Thursday, November 09, 2006

American Amber Ale... or not

A few months back I brewed up a wetpak APA, but added significantly more crystal to the mix, and a moderate proportion of cascade about ten minutes before flame-out. At first, this was a delightfully hoppy ale that, if not for the colour and (comparitively) lower hop presence, I would have rated it as a good example of an APA - despite the reasonable amount of kettle-caramelisation present in the background. However, now that the hop presence has worn down, I am finding myself with a superbly malty, caramel brew far more reminiscent of a Southern English Brown. While this isn't exactly what I was trying to achieve - by a long shot - it is still a wonderful brew that I will be trying to replicate again for next winters drinking.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

General Update

It seems like Rocktober was a little quiet on the brewing front for me - a total of zero (0) brews put down during the entire month... I didn't even get to Oktoberfest! ! ! My brothers "house warming" didn't exactly go ahead either, so I have been left with a glut of beer to consume - what a predicament! The hopburst is very cloudy, presumably from the massive amount hop polyphenols that would be present within such a hop-heavy brew, but the taste is absolutley divine. My American Amber Ale (Wetpak with additives) is probably one of the best I have tried to date, and I can't wait to give it a shot as an all-grain effort.

Speaking of which, the brewery is still coming along slowly. Looks like I will be purchasing a much better pump (self-priming, at that!) through the guys at the Country Brewer, but will likely have to wait until near Christmas before I have the funds for it - so I will have to resort to the old weight-lifting brew days for another few months at least. At any rate, the stand is still sitting at Girraween waiting for me to find the time to drop in and help weld it up. Bloody work getting in the way of my hobbies again - will have to find a way to fix that problem once and for all. Until then, it's time for another beer!
