Saturday, September 30, 2006

Bottling the pLambic

After two and a half years of fermentation, the portion of pLambic I had set aside on cherries finally found its way into bottles yesterday. I have to say at this stage I am a little dissapointed at the taste. The lambic "funk" is there, with a slight sourness (although not enough for my liking) and some sherry-like quality, and the colour is an astoundingly deep cherry red. Unfortunatley, the colour is about the limit of what the fruit added to this. The cherry flavour is extremely subdued and, in hindsight I really should have thrown a handful of oak chips into the secondary (tertiary?) with the fruit, but I will chalk all of this up to a learning experience... a long, two and a half year learning experience...

Cheers (I think),

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